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• Gold
rule of Medical Center Tuculanu •
• Videocapsula
best performing • Classic
digestive endoscopy • Polypectomy •
• Digestive
chromoendosocopy • pH-meter • Implantation
of gastric balloon for weight loss •
• Implantation
of digestive stents
Foreign body extraction • Argon plasma
coagulation •
Lasertherapy •
Polychromatic unpolarized light therapy • Hemorrhoids
band ligation •
• Treatment
of anal fissures • Detection
of colorectal cancer • Colorectal
cancer care •
offers the following medical services:
Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Proctology,
Internal Medicine (cardio-respiratory ailments, rheumatologic and collagen
diseases, diabetes and nutrition diseases, anemia and other non-malign
hematological diseases, nephrological ailments), Family Medicine, Occupational Medicine.
Prescription of medical forms (medical recipes,
references, medical leave, medical certificates, medical reports).
Paraclinical investigations
Abdominal ultrasound computerized (including panoramic
and three-dimensional machining).
Esophageal pH meters computerized Holter type
Paraclinical investigations necessary in internal
medicine and occupational medicine: ECG, spirometry, audiometry.
Digestive Endoscopy
Classic Digestive endoscopy
(esophagoscopy, gastroscopy, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, rectoscopy) with
flexible fibroendoscopes or videoendoscopes.
Digestive endoscopy with classic chromoendosocopy (intravital
stain) or virtual (to detect bleeding that are difficult to visualize, for
early detection of cancer and benign tumors).
Video-capsule endoscopy (PillCam endoscopy, capsule
endoscopy) for esophagus, small intestine and colon.
Ano-rectoscope with rigid videoendoscope.
Endoscopic treatments (nonsurgical!!!)
Treatments and endoscopic procedures (biopsy, polypectomy,
endoscopical injection, extraction of foreign body, laser treatments in
hemorrhoids and anal fissures).
Mounting stents (prostheses) esophageal, duodenal or colo-rectal
in patients with cancerous or non-cancerous stenosis.
Implantation and gastric balloon extraction for the
treatment of extreme obesity.
Endoscopic treatment (nonsurgical) to avoid palliative
surgery, surgical gastrostomy or colostomy in digestive cancers (malignant
stenosis of the esophagus, stomach, colon, rectum), in advanced tumors with
metastases, in patients with low resistance or surgical contraindications,
the need for intervention an emergency.
and sclerosis of hemorrhoids.
Exotoxin botulinium injections for anal fissures
Parenteral treatments
Injectable treatments (intradermal injection,
subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous)
Anaestethic infiltrations and anti-inflammatory (intercostals, scapulo-humeral,
paravertebral, sciatic, etc.).
Other types of treatment
Treatment with monochromatic polarized light (low laser
power) useful in proctology, gynecology, rheumatology, neurology,
Treatment with polychromatic polarized light (Bioptron)
useful in rheumatology, neurology, psychiatry, otorhinolaryngology.
Laboratory testing
Hematological, biochemical and specific immunological
analyses, collection.
Tests for the early diagnosis of digestive cancer
(esophageal, gastric, colon, rectal), detection of occult gastrointestinal
bleeding, helicobacter pylori detection.